You may have noticed (or not) that I changed the layout of this blog to birds. There is a good reason for that.
I chose it at random.
Sometimes change is just nice. As long as you can control the circumstances, the impact, the temperature, and every other factor for your own personal comfort, change is definitely nice.
So, you put on your dark green facial cream, get in your fuzzy kitty pajamas, climb into your snuggie with a glass of warm milk, and flip on ABC Nightly News. Diane Sawyer takes your hand and is about to lead you into the rolling hills of dreamland. Just then, a curtain is violently ripped to the side.
OMG. It is your Creative Genius. He steps out, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, and looms over you.
Creative genius says: "Let's roll."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Let's roll."
You sit up. "I'm sorry? NOW you're ready to roll? I've been trying to coax you out all day. I don't have time for this right now. I need my beauty sleep to prevent premature wrinkles!"
"Fair enough," he replies. "I'm heading back in." [draws curtain]
You scramble out of bed, reach forward through your snuggie sleeves, and grab him.
"WAIT! Fine. Let's roll."
Creative genius smiles maniacally.
The two of you hit it off again like no time was lost. You feed him treats, he lets you pet his ears. When he is especially pleased with your productions, he'll sit on your lap.
Through thick and thin, one thing is for sure. He is always right. You'll do whatever he says without question.
Now that I've made that cryptic introduction about "you," I will share my latest adventures.
1. I have released my first commercial music album! It consists of new classical flute music by composers who are all a) still living, and b) good friends/mentors of mine, and c) really, really great musicians with their own Creative Geniuses. Appropriate for the new background of this blog, it has a bird on it.
Check it out on iTunes. |
2. I started a new website called Musicovation, which is about positive news in the music world. I invite you, my little chicklets, to contribute/recommend/suggest stuff for it.
3. I delved into a new world. Drum roll.....
Standup comedy.
I may not be perfect (just kidding),
I may not be a man,
and, yes, I may not have even had a Bat Mitzvah...
But ALL THIS (i.e. that, above...all that above), my chirping little birdlets, is good for me. It can also be good for you. Beginning requirements are: willingness to fail, cynicism at one or more elements of the world, and sense of humor.
How do I have time to do regular life things? you may be wondering.
No idea.
Perhaps you will now infer (correctly) that the above mentioned things are where the little birdie in my heart is really flying to right now. Creative Genius confirms this as yes.
Don't worry though, my fresh-baked little muffins. I always land on my feet after taking flight.
Fly, little birdie.