To avoid public humiliation, I went for a power walk, in my three-inch heel boots, listening to techno music, all around parts of downtown Boston. After an hour, I started to calm down. I can't wear the boots again for at least week because of the blisters, and I was up until 3 a.m.
But you know what? Anxiety is the medicine for Accomplishment, and as long as I am a music-making MACHINE (lifting arm and flexing muscle), I say screw the downsides, as long as I can get shit DONE.
These two years will probably stand out as among the most intense of my life. Though it is not without flaws, I really feel that I could not be in a better place to be doing what I'm doing. I am consumed, which like anything, has its goods and bads, but in the end, I am reaching the best of my abilities as an artist. If you support art, you'll support me, no matter where I end up.
Otherwise, here are some highlights since winter:
Dad and I (oddly enough, I wasn't drinking coffee here):
The pup:Uncle Bob's winter wardrobe:
Liz and cousin Jack celebrating Christmas in New Jersey (video):
Passover in Lexington, MA:
Friends (minus my chin):
New York City after a blizzard (when I got stranded due to flight cancellations):
Jordan Hall (my version of church, synagogue, and every religious or spiritual haven), and yours truly with the magic flute: